Consider serving on our Board of Directors.
Board members are the oversight of our organization.
CrittersWork Service Dog Partners, Inc. follows the John Carver's Policy Governance model for nonprofit oversight. Our board members are responsible for evaluation of the President's performance on the operations of the organization. John Carver's Policy Governance sets the standard for the board's and staff's limitations within the organization.
By focusing on Ends, and Means, CrittersWork is able to function without all the drama that plagues small nonprofit organizations in our culture.
We recommend that all organizations who are struggling within their board, staff and/or programs, please take a look at this system of governance.
Before you apply to serve as a board member with CrittersWork Service Dog Partners, Inc. We strongly advise that you read and completely understand the John Carver, Policy Governance program. Information can be found at the following link.
John Carver, Policy Governance
Plus, please spend serious time reading the materials within the links on our Board Member Service page. Call 423-552-1416 for the Password.
CrittersWork Service Dog Partners, Inc. follows the John Carver's Policy Governance model for nonprofit oversight. Our board members are responsible for evaluation of the President's performance on the operations of the organization. John Carver's Policy Governance sets the standard for the board's and staff's limitations within the organization.
By focusing on Ends, and Means, CrittersWork is able to function without all the drama that plagues small nonprofit organizations in our culture.
We recommend that all organizations who are struggling within their board, staff and/or programs, please take a look at this system of governance.
Before you apply to serve as a board member with CrittersWork Service Dog Partners, Inc. We strongly advise that you read and completely understand the John Carver, Policy Governance program. Information can be found at the following link.
John Carver, Policy Governance
Plus, please spend serious time reading the materials within the links on our Board Member Service page. Call 423-552-1416 for the Password.